This is the original homepage, so you should be able to get pretty much anywhere from here.

 Wedding Pictures (6-7-03)

X-Mas 2004 Wisconsin

Some of our interests, as you might gather from the photos are camping, hiking, going to rock shows, playing rock shows and surrounding ourselves with a plethora of good people. We are both blessed with awesome families and the best friends two people could ask for, and I'm guessing, since yer reading this, you are one of those people. By the way, if you'd like any of these images to be a bit larger, you can click on them.


We bought a house on August 30, 2002, so if you are interested in seeing what it looks like, inside and out, we've taken some pictures. Some of the snowy pictures you can see above are also taken in our back yard around Christmas time.

Shane and Erika's Home Page